Document Type : Original Article
Dept. Microbial Genet. Biotechnol., Eng. Biotechnol. Res. Inst. (GEBRI), Univ. Sadat City,Sadat City, Egypt.
Dept. Biology, Fac. Sci. and Arts, Khulais, Univ. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Dept. Industrial Biotechnol.,Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. Res. Inst. (GEBRI), Univ. Sadat City,Sadat City, Egypt.
Dept. Plant Biotechnol., Genet. Eng. Biotechnol. Res. Inst. (GEBRI), Univ. Sadat City,Sadat City, Egypt
Banana production is severely hindered by plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) worldwide. Chemical nematicide, oxamyl is a systematic compound widely applied for the control of PPNs. Because of increase pests' problems, harmful effects on human and environment caused by chemical pesticides and also increased consumer requirements for safe crops have encouraged research on bio-pesticides production. So, the effect of different stress of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and blue green algae (cyanobacteria), Spirulina platensis were examined on banana plants infected with root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita. All tested treatments were effective methods to manage M. incognita in soil samples and banana roots. Notably, the usage of S. cerevisiae and S. platensis in combination treatment revealed the greater antagonistic action on M. incognita in potted banana. In addition it has an avail advantage over artificial nematicides by having several means to attack the RKN and mainly enhanced plant growth compared to any other treatments. Yet, the previous treatment had increased catalase (CAT) enzyme activity and reduced pectin methyl esterase (PME) activity in banana plant that leads to inhibit the count of the RKN. Generally, our results supply a novel knowledge to understand of PPNs management as a new approach for applying bio-fertilizer and bio-control of the parasitic nematodes.